
I believe yoga is for everybody, regardless of age, fitness or flexibility and that being out in nature is a powerful source for healing and renewal.  In my opinion, the goal should not be headstand or the splits, but to increase physical and mental well being; including improved sleep quality, and counter the daily stresses in life.  I love working with people who think yoga is not for them because I firmly believe that it is for everyone and if someone claims that yoga is not for them they just haven’t yet found the type that is what their body needs at the moment.

Whether a desk jockey, someone who suffers with chronic pain, an athlete, a former athlete, a never athlete, or a dreamer of better sleep, let’s find the the best yoga for your improved well being – at this time in your life. Schedule a session in person or online, by clicking here. Yoga for everybody, and more importantly for YOUR body is out there.

For some of my favorite yoga offerings and freebies check out my “fun stuff” page

Please explore the site, follow me on Instagram for motivational posts and more, or reach out directly with questions or to share more with me about your journey. Just like life, it is a journey to figure out what