Yoga Props

If you’ve heard about props, but are asking what are yoga props or don’t know how you can use them, you are in the right place.  Using props:

  • will help you go deeper into certain postures
  • can drastically help with your alignment
  • are a necessity for yin and restorative classes and postures

You do not need to pay a lot for fancy props – or any props.  You most likely have items around your house that will work as substitutes for “official” yoga props. The most common types of props you will see used are below.


Foam blocks that can be used to help you reach the floor in poses like triangle or lunges or can be used for sitting in garland pose or for meditation.  You can pick these up for about $10 at places like TJ Maxx or Marshalls.  If you don’t want to buy blocks – use some thick books – text books or books from the Harry Potter series are good examples


These are usually rectangular cotton covered fairly sturdy cushions about 6 inches thick and 12 inches wide and a bit longer than 24 inches.  A great substitute for bolsters are a couple of long (think bed size) pillows or cushions from your couch.


Canvas straps with d-style buckle, generally 6 or 8 feet long, but belts and towels make a great substitute.


Nothing special here, a throw blanket off your couch will work as will most other rectangular blankets that are about twin bed size.  For restorative classes you will fold the blanket into various shapes, depending on the pose.

Eye pillows

Any small rectangle pillow to cover your eyes, can be filled with lavender for aromatherapy purposes, can just as easily use a folded washcloth.